Acrocephalus schoenobaenus - spring

Sedge Warbler


Not possible to age due to complete pre-breeding moult in both age classes. Differing (or prolonged) periods of moult during winter often create a variation in wear, as well as true moult contrasts, seen in spring migrants.

2cy+ May. Whole wing is pre-breeding. [CV03404]

2cy+ May, showing pre-breeding PC. [CP46042]

2cy+ June, showing a rather fresh pre-breeding tail, likely to have been moulted during late winter/early spring. [CV04621]

2cy+ May. A tail containing different 'generations' of feathers. Establishing the precise moult history of a bird is not easy, but it is obvious that this tail was moulted during (at least) two different periods. Since there are several old and worn RR present, it seems unlikely that these are retained/forgotten juvenile feathers, and more likely that they derive from an early pre-breeding moult conducted during late autumn/early winter. [CV04290]

2cy+ May, showing rather fresh pre-breeding TT. [CV03404]

More Acrocephalus schoenobaenus:

Ageing autumn

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