Bombycilla garrulus - autumn

Bohemian Waxwing



Most individuals are easily aged based on the below critera.



  • No pale ’hooks’ at the inner vane of tips of PP. Exceptionally, some ad females may also lack them, but this is probably quite rare.
  • Typically moult contrast in GC, with 1 to 3 innermost moulted. The contrast may be hard to detect as ad-type GC are quite similar to juv GC, but in general moulted GC look greyer, denser and less worn. Keep in mind that, unlike most passerines, waxwings have 11 GC, with the innermost fairly reduced. Many birds do not include any GC in the post-juv moult.
  • Sometimes moult contrast in MC.
  • Red waxy tips of SS and yellow tips of PP and RR generally less intensely coloured, and the former are typically smaller.


  • Uniform wing lacking any moult contrasts, with the exception of some individuals retaining a few worn SS. At Ottenby (Nov 2023) 17% of the 2cy+ birds retained 2-3 SS (n=30). 
  • Tips of PP showing white/yellow hooks. A few ad females have been found to lack them, but this should be considered a rare exception.
  • Red waxy tips of SS and yellow tips of PP and RR generally more intensely coloured, and the former are typically larger.

1cy Male, November. Many 1cy show more intense yellow coloration, but will always lack pale 'hook' pattern at the tip of the inner vane. [3551486]

1cy Female, November. No hooks to tips of PP. Yellow coloration dull. [3E36981]

2cy+ Male, November. Apparent hook pattern to the tips of inner vane of the PP. Intense yellow coloration. [3630927]

2cy+ Female, November. The hooks can be quite reduced or broken in ad females, with some (very rare) cases even showing none at all. [3630915]

1cy (Female), November. GC10-11 moulted (GC11 mostly concealed by the scapulars), which look grayer and denser. The rest unmoulted. Keep in mind that waxwings have 11 GC, the innermost being somewhat reduced. [3614532]

1cy (Female), November. A bird showing moult contrast in MC. The two unmoulted juv MC are somewhat paler with a contrasting paler tip, highlighted with arrows. [3630979]

2cy+ (2cy?) Female, November. SS4-6 retained (a result of an arrested complete moult). In this bird, the retained SS are very worn, bleached and have much poorer quality than the moulted ad-type SS. In addition, the waxy tips are considerably smaller and S4 lacks it altogether. Because of the above, the retained SS are most likely of a worn juv generation which would make the bird a 2cy. [3630975]

2cy+ (3cy+?) Male, November. SS5-6 retained (as a result of an arrested complete moult). The retained SS are more worn and bleached than the new feathers around them, but clearly in much better condition than the retained SS in the previous example [3630975]. In addition, the waxy tips are the same size in the retained SS as in the moulted SS. Therefore the retained SS are most likely of a worn ad generation which would make the bird a 3cy+. [3630995].

1cy (male) November. In general, juv SS show less intensely coloured and smaller waxy ornamental tips than ad, but note that this is also affected by the the sex of the bird. Beware that this is subject to much individual variation. [3630967]

1cy (female) November. Typically quite reduced waxy ornamental tips. [3630976]

2cy+ (male) November. Large and vibrant waxy tips. [3630907]

2cy+ (female) November. Fairly large and vibrant waxy ornamental tips, though typically not as much as in ad male. [3630981]

More Bombycilla garrulus:

Sexing autumn and spring

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