Lanius collurio - autumn

Red-backed shrike


In 1cy, whole plumage is fresh and shows pale tips/fringes and dark subteminal barring on coverts, TT and RR. Adult shows worn wing and tail with no or only weak dark subterminal barring on coverts, TT and RR. Moult contrasts are present (but variably positioned) in both age classes. 


  • Whole wing is fresh. Signs of wear starts to show during mid or late autumn.
  • Juvenile LC, MC and GC shows pale tips/fringes and dark subteminal barring. The same pattern is usually present in the TT, but in some birds the subterminal barring is very weak or even missing (see further under Sexing).
  • RR are fresh and shows pale tips with variably dark subterminal barring.
  • Whole wing is worn, except for a variable number of freshly moulted LC, MC and sometimes single TT.
  • LC, MC, GC and TT shows no (or only weak) dark subteminal barring.
  • RR in adult male shows striking black and white pattern. RR of adult female are worn with no (or only weak) dark subteminal barring. A few birds may show moult contrast in the tail with fresh post-breeding RR.

1cy August. Uniformly juvenile wing, apart from some post-juvenile LC. Note that all wing-c are fresh with pale tips and dark subterminal barring. [3218394]

1cy September, showing variation. In this individual most LC, innermost MC and perhaps also (barely visible) GC10 are post-juvenile. [3551456]

2cy+ August (male). A uniform pre-breeding worn wing showing worn LC, MC and GC lacking dark subterminal barring. [3218392]

2cy+ August (female), showing variation. [3551348]

1cy August. Juvenile TT are fresh with pale tips and edges and with (variable) dark subterminal barring. [3218393]

1cy August, showing some variation with weaker subterminal barring (see further under Sexing). [3218394]

2cy+ August (male). Adult pre-breeding TT are rather worn and lack distinct dark subterminal barring (though, exceptionally, odd birds with juvenile like pattern are known). [3218392]

2cy+ August (female), showing variation. [3551348]

1cy August. Juvenile RR are fresh and shows pale tips with (variably) dark subterminal pattern. [3218391]

1cy August, showing variation. [3218393]

2cy+ August (male). The tail of the adult male is blackish with pure white bases. [3218392]

2cy+ August (female). RR are rather worn and lack the distinct dark subterminal pattern seen in most juveniles. [3551323]

1cy August. Uniformly juvenile and fresh PC, showing averagely broader pale tips than adult. [3192999]

1cy September, showing variation. [3551456]

2cy+ August (male). Pre-breeding PC are rather worn and usually shows smaller (or no) pale tips. [3218392]

2cy+ August (female), showing variation. [3551348]

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