Linaria cannabina - autumn

Common Linnet


Following the post-juv moult, a moult contrast is present in the wing of 1cy. It is generally situated within GC, but in more advance birds it may be found between post-juv GC and juv PC/TT or within RR or TT. Ad birds show a uniform and freshly moulted plumage without contrasts. Note that, although differences in wear is rather apparent from mid autum, there is a rather wide range of variation in the amount of wear within each age-group.



  • Often show moult contrast in GC: Post-juv inner GC are denser and often clearly longer and broader than slightly more worn juv outer GC, edged deeper chestnut-brown, with brown colour of outer vane diffusely bleeding onto shaft of feathers. Compared to ad-type GC, juv GC show looser structure with narrower and more sharply offset pale buffish edges. Some birds may have included all GC, and the contrast is then found towards the still juv PC. Word of caution: Amount of black in outer vane increases progressively from inner to outer feathers regardless of generation; note juv-like pattern on ad-type outermost GC (GC1-2), showing narrower brown fringe sharply offset from black centre of the feather, not reaching shaft. Fringe of ad-type GC1 typically paler brown than adjacent feathers, creating false contrast.
  • Juv CC shorter and more frayed in tip than ad-type, with warm brown or straw-coloured fringe, similar to juv GC.
  • Single TT may be included in the post-juv moult. Post-juv TT are fresh, broad and dense, showing deeper brown outer vanes and darker blackish inner vanes than the slightly worn juv ones. The latter are typically narrower and show paler buff fringes to outer vanes, with inner vanes being duller brown. Juv TT may also contrast well to moulted post-juv inner GC.
  • In general, juv PC are less dense, narrower and more pointed than ad-type. Blackish colour is warmer and duller, with pale tips slightly worn and brownish. Fringes to outer PC are less brightly coloured than ad-type, often warm buffish or off-white, contrasting with white colour on outer vanes of inner PP. Fringes to inner PC are often warmer brown. However, due to variation in both age-groups, PC are often difficult to use for ageing.
  • Juv RR are slightly narrower and more pointed than ad ones, generally showing noticeable wear from September onwards. Some individuals may have replaced single or several (or even all) RR and then either exhibit moult contrasts or a full ad-type tail.
  • Iris rather neutral grey.


  • Uniform plumage lacking any moult contrasts.
  • Whole wing and tail in better condition than 1cy, with denser structure and better gloss.
  • CC longer and denser, with colder, chestnut or rufous fringe, similar to ad-type GC.
  • Ad PC are generally denser, broader and blunter than juv feathers. Black colour is colder and glossier, and fringes to outer PC are frostier white than in juv, sometimes corresponding with white colour on outer vanes of inner PP, though often more warm-buffish when fresh. Fringes to inner PC warmer brown, more similar to 1cy.
  • Tips of RR slightly blunter and broader, with wider white fringes, generally fresh until October.
  • Iris rather reddish-brown.

1cy (female) October. A bird showing typical moult contrast in GC. GC8-10 moulted post-juv, deeper rufous and proportionately both longer and broader than juv feathers. GC1-7 retained juv, being duller brown with pale tips, contrasting towards inner moulted GC as well as MC. [DB08632]

1cy (male) September. Moult contrasts involving the outer 2-3 GC are often challenging to detect and ageing should be based on a combination of supporting characters. GC3-10 post-juv, showing rufous colour and more square tips, while GC1-2 are retained juv, showing paler and duller brown colour and tapered tips. [DH49808]

1cy (female) September. GC9-10 moulted post-juv, showing clear difference in length. GC1-8 juv, shorter with paler tips. [DH51282]

1cy August. Recently fledged bird. Whole wing juv except one LC. All GC still very fresh, lacking bleaching in tips. Note loose, tapered structure and dull brown colour of all feathers. Also note prominent dark shaft streaks on LC and MC, usually not present in ad-type feathers. [DE67688]

2cy+ (male) October. Whole wing uniformly post-br but rather worn. Note rather narrow rufous edge to outermost GC, though no colour contrast towards adjacent feathers. [CZ11941]

2cy+ (male) October. Whole wing uniform and rather fresh post-br. Note pattern and colour of outermost GC and compare with DH49808 above. [DH51890]

1cy (male) August. Whole tail juv, showing narrow and pointed tips. All feathers still very fresh, buff edges bleaching to white when worn. [DC41257]

1cy (female) October. Whole tail juv, showing variation. [DB08632]

2cy+ (male) October. Whole tail uniform and fresh post-br. Note broad shape with wide pale margins reaching around tips. [DH51890]

2cy+ (male) October. Whole tail uniform and fresh post-br, showing variation. [CX59316]

1cy (female) September. Uniformly unmoulted juv TT, contrasting to fresh post-juv inner GC9-10. Tips typically narrow and already somewhat worn. Note that other birds may show single moulted post-juv TT. [DH51282]

1cy August. A bird in completely juv plumage. All TT still very fresh, though note loose texture and dull brown colour. [DE67369]

1cy (male) August. All TT juv, showing narrow shape with loosely textured tips. Moult of GC not yet initiated, note however contrast towards single warm chestnut post-juv MC. [DC41257]

1cy (female) October. All TT juv, showing typically straw-coloured edges as bleaching progresses. Note contrast towards post-juv GC8-10. [DB08632]

2cy+ (male) October. All TT fresh post-br, as is rest of plumage. Colour more vividly rufous and tips more rounded than in juv feathers. Note still growing S6, indicating post-br moult reaching completion. [CX59316]

2cy+ (male) October. All TT post-br, showing variation. More worn than the previous individual. [CZ11941]

1cy (female) October. PC are often very difficult to use for aging since differences in wear and shape vary extensively between individuals. In general, juv PC are dull blackish, with tips typically more worn and pointed, though pale fringes may be prominent when fresh. Note straw coloured fringes of juv outer GC and AL contrasting with moulted rufous MC. [DB08632]

1cy (male) August, showing narrow and pointed PC, most noticeable among outer ones. Pale fringes narrow and loose, wearing down quickly. May still be difficult to separate from some ad. [DC41257]

2cy+ (male) October. Ad PC typically broad and blunt tipped. Rufous fringes of CC and AL correspond with rest of upperwing. [CZ11941]

2cy+ (male) October, showing variation in post-br PC. This is an example of an ad individual with more narrow and pointed feathers, difficult to separate from juv PC (note however slightly blacker, glossier ground colour and more neatly textured pale fringes). [CX59316]

1cy (female) October. Wing after finished post-juv moult. All LC, MC and GC8-10 post-juv, rest of wing retained juv feathers. Replaced inner GC concolourous to MC and contrasts against paler outer GC and TT. Also note slight bleaching to tips of primaries, though whole wing still rather fresh. [DB08632]

1cy August. Uniform wing of recently fledged bird before onset of post-juv moult. All feathers in near mint condition, note warm brown colour of tips of GC and PP. White on PP7-9 reaching shaft, suggesting male, compare with previous bird (female). [DE67369]

2cy+ (male) October. Uniform post-br wing, showing deep chestnut covert section and glossy black PP and SS. All flight feathers broad with blunt tips. [DH51890]

2cy+ (male) October. All feathers fresh post-br, showing variation. [CZ11941]

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