Linaria cannabina - spring

Common Linnet


Autumn criteria are still applicable, though 2cy are more affected to wear during the winter than ad. Moult contrast present in the wing of 2cy, generally among GC and often between inner GC and TT. Sometimes also among RR and TT, or rarely between TT and inner SS. Ad birds show a uniform plumage without moult contrasts.


  • Often show moult contrast in GC: Slightly worn post-juv inner GC are denser and often clearly longer and broader than notably worn juv outer GC, edged deeper chestnut-brown, with brown colour of outer vane diffusely bleeding onto shaft of feathers. Juv GC show looser structure with narrower and more sharply offset pale and bleached straw-coloured edges, sometimes fading to whitish near tip. Some birds may have included all GC, and the contrast is then found towards the still juv and worn PC. Word of caution: Amount of black in outer vane increases progressively from inner to outer feathers regardless of generation; note juv-like pattern on ad-type outermost GC (GC1-2), showing narrower brown fringe sharply offset from black centre of the feather, not reaching shaft. Fringe of ad-type GC1 typically paler brown than adjacent feathers, creating false contrast.
  • Juv CC shorter and more frayed in tip than ad-type, with warm brown or straw-coloured fringe, similar to juvenile GC.
  • Single TT may have been included in the post-juv moult. Post-juv TT are slightly worn, though original contour of feathers often better preserved, showing broader shape, deeper brown outer vanes and darker blackish inner vanes than on notably worn juv ones. The latter typically show strongly bleached straw-coloured fringes to outer vanes and duller brownish centres, commonly with wear eating into most exposed pale areas creating broken feather contours already by mid-April. Juv TT may also contrast well to moulted post-juv inner GC.
  • In general, juv PC are less dense, narrower and more pointed than ad-type. By spring, most birds show significantly more wear than ad, especially in tips and outer vanes of outer PC, with pale fringes sometimes almost completely worn off. Typically, juvenile feathers show dull blackish centres with bleached pale buffish or off-white fringes to outer PC, whereas ad-type are a deeper glossy black, with fresher, whiter fringes of outer PC sometimes corresponding with white colour on outer vanes of inner PP, though often edged warmer buff. Fringes of inner PC less worn, warmer brown and thus more similar in both juv and ad-type. However, due to variation in both age-groups, PC are often difficult to use for ageing.
  • Juv PP are generally heavily worn and bleached, with exposed part of tips a faded, dull brown.
  • Juv RR are slightly narrower, more pointed, and generally more worn than ad ones, typically showing completely worn-down white fringes at tips, causing blackish centres to reach edges of feathers. Some individuals have replaced single or several RR and then exhibit moult contrasts. Recently grown fresh ad-type RR (presumably caused by accidental loss and replacement rather than a scheduled moult) are not uncommon irrespective of age class.


  • Uniform plumage lacking any moult contrasts.
  • Whole wing and tail slightly worn, but still in better condition than juvenile feathers in 2cy, with denser structure and better gloss. Tertials, tips of outer PP and fringes to outer PC generally significantly less worn and bleached than in 2cy.
  • CC longer and denser, with colder, chestnut or rufous fringe, similar to adult-type GC.
  • Tips of RR slightly blunter and broader, with white fringes on average less worn and centres a deeper black, less faded and bleached than juvenile feathers.

2cy (male) May. GC4-10 post-juv, GC1-3 retained juv, the latter being shorter and showing paler brown fringes with more frayed tips. Note pattern of brown on outer vane of juv GC rather sharply delineated, not bleeding onto shaft. [DB05198]

2cy (male) April. A bird with more restricted post-juv moult in GC, having included only GC8-10, GC1-7 retained. Juv feathers are shorter, narrower and paler brown, with wear in tips more prominent. [DB06525]

2cy (female) April. GC9-10 post-juv, remainder showing strong wear with pale, straw coloured tips typical of bleached juv feathers. Note also hint of false contrast between GC9 and 10, with the inner lacking in rufous colour and being paler tipped, but note warm chestnut fringe at base of outer vane, confirming ad-type of feather. [DA03880]

2cy (female) May. A rather difficult individual showing post-juv inner and central GC and retained juv GC1 (and possibly GC2?). With increasing wear of both juv and ad-type feathers potential differences between feathers categories becomes more difficult to discern. Differences in colour and pattern may still be present at protected areas e.g. towards the feather bases. In this bird, note narrow, straw coloured fringes to retained juv outer GC and CC, constrasting with more rufous fringe on moulted feathers. True colours most distinct at base of outer vanes, where wear and bleaching is less prominent than at tip. [CX63056]

3cy+ (male) April. Uniform post-br wing with no moult contrasts. All coverts still in relatively good condition. [CX60431]

3cy+ (female) April. Uniform wing, all feathers of ad-type. Females generally more difficult to age than males due to less rufous colour leading to smaller difference between juv and ad-type feathers. Note however shape and structure. Cold greyish tone inside of brown fringe to GC1 typical of ad. [CX55349]

3cy+ (female) April. A bird showing false contrast in GC with outermost feather having only narrow, pale brown fringe lacking rufous tones. Note however square shape and no differences in wear. Note also rufous fringe of ad-type CC. [CX61580]

3cy+ (female) May. A somewhat worn and bleached ad bird, still showing glossy colours and broad shape of all GC. [DE66970]

2cy (male) April. Contrasts are often present in the tail of 2cy. Whole tail juv except R5 on right-hand side, being slightly blacker and blunter, with white fringe around tip still intact. Due to its freshness, this may be the result of accidental loss and replacement at a later stage rather than a deliberate replacement during the post-juv moult. [DC40267]

2cy (female) June. Left-hand R4 and right-hand R1 post-juv, rest of tail juv. [DC40185]

2cy (male) May. Whole tail juv, still relatively fresh. [CX63077]

2cy (female) May. Whole tail juv, typically brown, bleached and narrow, with worn, pointed tips. [DB05199]

3cy+ (male) April. Archetypical ad, showing broad, black feathers with rounded tips. Note pale fringes still reaching completely around tip on most feathers. [DA06581]

3cy+ (male) May. Whole tail ad, black and glossy though somewhat worn at tips. [DC38466]

3cy+ (female) April. Worn ad tail with left-hand R1 replaced. Note R1 on right-hand side noticeably more bleached and worn than adjacent feathers, due to its exposed position on top of closed tail, creating false contrast suggesting three generations of feathers. [DE62440]

3cy+ (female) April. Uniform, rather worn, ad tail. [CX61580]

2cy (female) April. Middle tertial moulted, strongly contrasting with heavily worn and bleached longest tertial and SS. Innermost tertial missing. [CX63078]

2cy (male) May. All TT juv, showing heavy wear eating into pale, straw-coloured edges. Note also contrast towards rufous post-juv GC. [DB05198]

2cy (male) April. All TT juv, although still relatively fresh. Note contrast towards post-juv GC8-10. [DB06525]

2cy (female) June. Very worn and faded juv TT with pale outer vanes almost completely abraded. Note also wear in SS and compare with post-juv GC. [DC40185]

3cy+ (male) April. A fine ad showing well-kept tertials, with slight wear mostly at tips. All feathers rather rufous, not contrasting with GC. [CX63077]

3cy+ (male) April. A slightly more bleached ad. All TT typically broad and rounded, but pale tips prominent. [DA06581]

3cy+ (female) April. Similar to previous bird, showing variation. [DB06351]

3cy+ (female) May. An example of more worn ad TT, with contours of pale outer vanes starting to break up, though still rather broad and dark centered. Wear to TT varies a lot and can often be substantial even in ad, especially as the season progresses, due to exposed position of feathers, though adult feathers generally in better shape. [DE62379]

2cy (male) May. PC are often difficult to use for aging since differences in wear and shape vary extensively between individuals. This bird shows rather worn and pointed juv PC, with brownish tips and pale fringes much abraded. Note also contrast in GC, with GC1-3 being retained juv. [DB05198]

2cy (male) May. Another example of difficult PC, more blackish, though wear to tips and pale edges apparent. Note juv GC1 and CC, rest of coverts post-juv. [CX63077]

2cy (female) May. All PC and all visible GC juv, showing typical straw-coloured fringes and wear. Note corresponding colour of CC. [DB05196]

2cy (female) April. Similar to previous, all PC narrow, brown and much abraded. Contrast in GC present between GC5-6. [CX55428]

3cy+ (male) May. Ad bird showing glossy black PC with well-kept pale fringes and more rounded tips. Note also false contrast in GC and compare with CX63077, above. [DA05720]

3cy+ (male) April. Perfect ad showing cold, deep, glossy colours with almost pure white of fringe to outer PC corresponding with white of outer vane of PP. All PC still rather fresh, with broad, blunt tips, among innermost almost squarish. [CX60517]

3cy+ (female) April. Ad females generally somewhat browner, not as jet black as some males, though still cold and glossy. All PC broad and rounded, with nicely kept fringes and tips. Third outermost visible PC proportionately slightly longer, indicating growth at different rate than adjacent feathers, typically as a result of differing growth conditions during protracted moult. Juv feathers, in contrast, all grow simultaneously. [DB06360]

3cy+ (female) April. All PC in typically good condition. Shape of feathers progressively more pointed towards tip of wing, following shape of corresponding primary. [CX55349]

2cy (male) April. LC, MC and GC7-10 post-juv, rest of wing juv. Still rather fresh for a young bird, note slight wear to remiges and narrow tertials. [DC40267]

2cy (male) June. LC, MC and GC9-10 post-juv, rest of wing juv, showing variation. [DB06388]

2cy (female) June. A very tricky bird showing two moult contrasts in GC, amounting to three generations of feathers. GC1-2 are retained juv, GC3-6 are post-juv and GC7-10 are recently replaced, 'pre-br' feathers. As no regular pre-br moult is known in this species (and the 'pre-br' contrast was not present in the other wing), this is for sure the result of an accident - note also freshly replaced TT8-9 and SS5-6. Remaining remiges juv and heavily worn, especially at exposed tips of outer PP. [DC40185]

2cy (female) April. All LC, MC and GC2-10 as well as central tertial post-juv, rest of wing juv. Note strongly bleached and abraded tips to outer PP and wear to tips of outer vanes of SS. [CX63078]

3cy+ (male) April. Uniform ad wing showing typically blunt, blackish remiges. Note squarish tips to SS and inner PP. [CX60517]

3cy+ (female) April. Uniform ad wing, showing variation. Some wear especially noticeable in TT, otherwise still in fairly good condition. [CX61580]

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