Motacilla alba - sexing autumn

White Wagtail


Most 1cy birds should be left unsexed, while the vast majority of 2cy+ can be sexed according to the below.

1cy: According to Svenson (1992) birds without any black on head should be left without sex, while birds with rather much black in crown and nape should be males.

2cy+: Males have a rather clean white forhead and a lot of black showing in crown and nape. Females have a darker grey forhead and no (or little) black in crown and nape.

1cy male September. Birds with rather much black in crown and nape should be safe males. More intermediate individuals are best left without sex. [1ET81832]

1cy August, sex unknown. Grey crowned birds like this one are standard among females but is also said to occur in males. [1ET80086]

2cy+ female September. Note the grey forhead as well as the lack of black in crown and nape. [1ET80247]

2cy+ female September. Same individual from above. [1ET80247]

2cy+ male September. Note the white forhead and the black feathering in crown and nape. [1ET80286]

2cy+ male September. Note the white forhead and the black feathering in crown and nape. [1ET80286]

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